Community Coalition-Leading Organizations:
Celebrating Community and Cultivating Resilience
July 21, 2022 | 3-4:30 pm ET/12-1:30 pm PT

Cheryl Healy
Senior Expert
McKinsey & Company
Cheryl Healy is a Senior Expert in McKinsey’s Social, Healthcare and Public Entities Practice, focused on behavioral health. A former middle school Special Education teacher, Cheryl is passionate about improving the behavioral system for children and youth. She works with a wide range of clients on behavioral health topics across the public and private sectors.

Linda Liu
McKinsey & Company
An expert in crisis preparation and risk management, Linda works with both public and private-sector clients. Presently, she is helping to coordinate McKinsey’s response to COVID-19. In this capacity, she is supporting leadership teams as they respond to the organizational, business, and economic implications of this rapidly evolving humanitarian crisis. Linda has extensive experience serving clients in times of uncertainty. In addition to advising on strategy, she helps organizations build the capabilities and resilience to withstand future challenges. Her expertise also extends to enterprise risk management, regulatory remediation, strategic planning, and large-scale transformational change. Prior to re-joining McKinsey, Linda spent a year in East Africa as a consultant with TechnoServe.
Discussion Leads

Debbi Arseneaux
Moonshot Academy
Debbi Arseneaux is an Educational Consultant and Teaching Artist with The Learning Alliance. She has been a teacher in the Washington DC Public School District and worked as a professional Theatre Director, Stage Manager, Producer, and freelance Teaching Artist in the DC area for over 15 years. Specializing in arts integration, she believes in the power of the arts to reach and teach students of all ages.

Valerie Brown
The Skills Connextion, LLC.
Valerie L Brown is the Founder of The Skills Connextion LLC., an organization that facilitates community parent learning sessions. She has thirty years of experience in education using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Trauma-Informed Practices. She is a Certified Family Trauma Professional and a Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor. Valerie’s passion is to provide information to families that promote understanding, builds resilience, and strengthens communities. She enjoys listening to music, reading, and spending time with her husband and two adult children.

Mark Dinglasan, MBA
Executive Director
Mark Dinglasan, MBA, is currently the Executive Director of CUMAC, the largest anti-hunger organization in Passaic County. CUMAC’s mission is to fight hunger and its root causes through a holistic, trauma-informed approach that provides groceries and basic necessities to families and individuals in need. Mr. Dinglasan was the Executive Director of CASA of Cook County before coming to CUMAC. Prior to joining CASA, he led national corporate development and fundraising at JTB, A Pipeline Organization, the foundation started by The Honorable Ann Claire Williams of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. With more than 19 years of experience in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors, Mr. Dinglasan has led teams in the areas of youth development, program management, sales, fundraising & strategic planning. He received his MBA from DePaul University’s Kellstadt Graduate School of Business. In his spare time, Mr. Dinglasan is a marathon coach, youth mentor, and church volunteer. Mr. Dinglasan is also a certified master trainer for ACE Interface, the organization led by Dr. Rob Anda and Laura Porter.
Mr. Dinglasan graduated Magna Cum Laude from Monmouth University and was accepted into New York Law School. Shortly after starting law school in 2003, he decided to become a lay mission worker building homes in the slums in the Philippines and leading youth programs in the United States. This led him to a career that spanned both the corporate and nonprofit sectors in Chicago. Upon deciding to move back to New Jersey in late 2016, he immediately began searching for an organization with whom he shared similar values and beliefs. This search led him to CUMAC where he has been leading an ambitious organizational transformation to create innovative food access programs that our equitable, healing-centered, and community-driven.

Kanoe Enos, MSW
A`ali`I Alliance
Kanoe brings over 10 years of experience as a social worker to create a better life for residents of Hawai`i. Growing up at the Cultural Learning Center at Ka’ala Farms in Wai’anae Moku, O’ahu has helped Kanoe bring a culturally grounded approach to his many roles as a case manager, youth development worker, collective impact convener, and educator. Kanoe is rooted in place and is a tireless advocate for the natural resources, peoples and cultures that make Hawai’I special. Kanoe’s gifts include the ability to take cultural and community knowledge and weave it into tools and strategies that are effective, efficient, and pono. Kanoe has a degree in Hawaiian Studies from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, a Master’s Degree in Social Work, and currently teaches social work in the University of Hawai’I system. Kanoe serves on numerous boards, community groups, and collective impact initiatives.

Melissa Litwin, MBA
Early Childhood Program Director,
Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
Melissa Litwin, MBA, is the Early Childhood Program Director at the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, where she supports a vision where all New Jersey third graders are skillful learners, equipped to thrive and contribute throughout their lives. They are nurtured by stable and supportive families, high-quality education, vibrant and healthy communities, and systems and policies that promote equity. Literacy is both a necessity for school success and a benchmark of general wellbeing, thus grant projects include everything from healthy pregnancy to quality childcare access, to family support. The Foundation’s long held interests are in strengthening community, enhancing education, and supporting health research. Litwin has worked as a Senior Consultant at The Whelan Group in New York City where she provided strategic, business, and fundraising expertise to nonprofits in the arts, education, and human services. She has experience in museum management and operations in settings ranging from Pacific Science Center in Seattle to Artists Space in Manhattan. Litwin received her undergraduate education from the University of Washington where she graduated Cum Laude with an honors B.A. in English and a B.S. in Psychology. She holds an M.B.A. from The Wharton School, at University of Pennsylvania. Litwin lives in South Orange, New Jersey, with her husband and child, a high school student.

Ken Livingston
Get Delaware Reading
United Way of Delaware
Ken Livingston is the current Director for Get Delaware Reading with United Way of Delaware (UWDE). His primary focus is addressing the issue in Wilmington where many children from the Eight Promise Communities are identified as not reading proficiently when exiting the third grade. Ken’s current goals and aspirations are: 1) Build positive relationships with community, government, and school district leaders as well as early learning centers and community-based organizations to ensure the GDR and CGRL outcomes are informed by the community perspective, especially in the Eight Promise Communities, 2) Work with UWDE’s leadership team to develop and implement a marketing plan for GDR and CGLR, which includes website design and effective use of social media outlets to educate and engage the community. 3) Work to increase and grow in personal development. Since becoming the new director of Get Delaware Reading, Ken is most proud of leading UWDE’s “My Very Own Library” initiative in partnership with Scholastic and the University of Chicago. “My Very Own Library” provides students attending 17 Delaware schools with free books to create their own home libraries. This school year, “My Very Library” will provide over 70,000 brand new books to students from 7 school districts throughout 3 counties. He received his BS degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice from Delaware State University and his MS Degree in Human Services from Springfield College. In addition to working at United Way of Delaware, he is also employed at the Central Branch YMCA in the Membership Services Department. His passions include providing impactful programming to support parents and children. One fun fact about Ken is he enjoys going to Cardio Kick Boxing and spending time his daughter. Ken is married to Janelle Livingston and they have 2 daughters.

Jill Pereira, MSW
Vice President,
Education & Impact
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Jill Pereira, MSW, is the Vice President of Education & Impact with United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley. Jill Pereira’s professional background includes working in diverse communities across the Lehigh Valley to address issues related to mental health, juvenile justice, youth and family resilience, public housing, and public education. Jill is a fierce advocate and leader of systemic change to address complex, interconnected social issues at scale. She credits her grounding in community to her own life experience and the BSW undergraduate study abroad program in Quito, Ecuador in 1998. She credits her passion and skill with systems change to her MSW program at Marywood University that she completed in 2004 and her ongoing love of learning through everyday life.
Jill has served with the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley in increasing leadership positions since April of 2009 and currently serves in the role of Vice President Education & Impact. She is blessed to serve with a team of dynamic change agents who work every day to grow their personal and professional capacities to positively impact our community! Her key accountabilities in this role are to lead the development and implementation of strategies for advancing collective impact work in the realms of Education, Healthy Aging and Community Stability across three counties, including how to effectively invest more than $7m annually.
Jill is also the lead UWGLV backbone staff for Lehigh Valley Reads, a partnership with PBS39 and to which the Together For Students project was centered. Jill founded the United Way Community School Learning Network nationally and currently serves on the National Steering Committee for the Coalition for Community Schools. Jill has received recognition at the local, state, and national levels for her leadership and has presented on Community Schools, Collective Impact and grade level reading through Lehigh Valley Reads. She lives in Palmerton, Pennsylvania with her husband and three children.

Cherilyn Shiinoki, M.Ed.
Executive Director,
Family Hui Hawai’i
Cherilyn is a mom of 3 boys and the Executive Director of Family Hui Hawai’i. She first became interested in the field of early childhood when her first son was born over 20 years ago. “When my first son was born, I wondered how I could be the best parent for him. I loved being a mom but it wasn’t easy. I joined a parenting program that helped me get through the tough situations and the sleepless nights. It really does take a village to raise a child.” Cherilyn is passionate about helping parents embrace their special role as their child’s first and most influential teacher and firmly believes in the power of parents supporting each other to raise their children and strengthen the community. Cherilyn’s professional experience spans many roles as a teacher, parent educator, children’s ministry director, and in private sector business management. She holds a Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education and serves the Association for Infant Mental Health in Hawaii (AIMH HI), the Hawaii State Early Learning Board and many statewide initiatives to improve the lives of keiki.

Beth Tomlinson, MSS, MLSP
Senior Director of Education,
Co-Founder of Resilient Lehigh Valley
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Beth Tomlinson is the Senior Director of Education with United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley and co-founder of Resilient Lehigh Valley. In her role as the Senior Director of Education, she oversees a 25-member team leading work in school readiness, summer learning, school attendance, and trauma informed schools. In her role as the co-founder of Resilient Lehigh Valley, she serves as the backbone lead for a three-county collective impact effort to promote hope and healing from trauma by advancing trauma informed and culturally responsive systems and practices. Beth has a dual Masters in Social Services and Law and Social Policy and over 25 years of experience as a child and family advocate. She lives in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania with her husband and three kids and loves spending time reading and playing with her dog Sadie.

Kerrie Urosevich, MA, PhD
Network Design and Innovation Lead,
Early Childhood Action Strategy
Kerrie Urosevich, MA, PhD, is the lead for network design and innovation for ECAS. She previously served in both Governor Neil Abercrombie’s and Governor David Ige’s Administrations under the Executive Office on Early Learning (EOEL) Before joining EOEL, Kerrie worked for 15 years in systems building, conflict resolution and violence prevention, through her mediation and facilitation consultancy. She was selected to the Omidyar Fellows Executive Leadership program in 2014 to learn strategies for better supporting Hawai`i’s children and families.
Kerrie serves as Affiliate Faculty at the Matsunaga Institute for Peace at the University of Hawai‘i-Manoa, and is co-founder of Ceeds of Peace, focused on creating a more peaceful and just humanity. She serves on various Hawai`i-based and international Boards working on early development, education, family resiliency and women’s empowerment opportunities. Kerrie received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Hawai‘i-Manoa; Master’s Degree in International Policy from the Monterey Institute of International Studies; and Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management.

Erika Warner, LCSW
Makua Allies
Erika believes that relationships are at the center of our growth and our challenges. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor and Endorsed Infant Mental Health Professional, which is a unique intersection. She worked with pregnant and parenting moms suffering with Substance Abuse Disorder for 10 years and still specializes in working with this population, both on a micro and macro level. She is a lead member of the Makua Allies Program, providing Reflective Supervision and Consultation to parent partners working with families impacted by separation and loss in the CWS system. She owns and operates her private practice, REFLECT & CONNECT. In her practice she focuses on treating women as well as dyadic work with children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Erika is also the Clinical Specialist at the Association for Infant Mental Health in Hawai’I where she gets to use her skills in training and supervision to promote, develop and support professionals working in the infant and early childhood sectors.

Elizabeth “Liz” Woody-Remington, M.Ed
Co-Founder and Director of Professional Development
The Learning Alliance
Elizabeth Woody-Remington is one of the three original founders of the Learning Alliance and the Director of Professional Development. She has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Delaware and a Masters in Special Ed-Learning Disabilities from American University and is a former member of the Board of Directors for the International Dyslexia Association. She lives in Vero Beach, Florida, and is the mother of two boys who have struggled with LD issues.